Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For The Love Of Cooking

I came across this cookbook holder at of all places the post office. Because I send my bags all over the place I am spending more time than ever at the post office. Surprisingly I found this treasure.
I love cooking and experimenting with food ( Is it any wonder that I am always struggling to stay "fit"!)
My excuse for being a little messy at times is because I am "creative"!!! When I design a new bag I need to have all colours and potential fabric, tims,and buttons combinations etc out so I can see them!. This is a chaotic process.
I find cooking the same, and my cookbooks are sometime the victim of my culinary endeavours :0!!
Not only does this stand look lovely it will keep my beloved cookbook library protected from my cooking storms :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Importance Of Providing Opportunities

One of the main reasons I have chosen to continue to be a full time stay home mum is to provide the extra support one of my sons needs. Spencer was diagnosed dyslexic when he was in grade 1. The specialist looked at me and said "the school will not teach him to read". "Your son has a normal IQ but he learns differently".
As you can imagine this terrified me at first and then I asked well what can I do about this.

Over the last year and half with guidance from an educational psychologist, I have been teaching my son to read. I have used a program called "The Reading Reflex" and adapted it to our situation.

My teaching degree, has provided me with a respect and an interest in education. But as I have found out, general classroom teachers are not trained in educating children who don't fit the "majority mold". I estimate that within every group of 20 children in school, 3's educational needs are not being met. Those 3 children are not being taught in the best way for them to reach their potential. A sad state of affair I believe.

That's why Spencer and I work together 4 out of 5 mornings. It is time consuming, frustrating, but so worth while. As we all know if something is difficult we tend to avoid it. Spencer is very "street" smart and on many occasions has tried to convince me why he didn't really need to read at all. But his hard work is paying off. We still have much to achieve but we continue to make solid progress.

My commitment like any loving parent's, is to help Spencer to reach his potential, providing him with opportunities that will help him grow into a well rounded person. This commitment is no different to what I strive to provide for my other 2 beautiful children, it's just more complex :))